Sunday, February 26, 2012

FUN - Inspired by rawz

David and me were sitting in a nice cafĂ© and wanted to create something. So we opened Illustrator and thought of some styles… We really love the Abdzeedo Rawz logo and decided to make something in that style. 

We needed a short word, to make the typo look more like the original. FUN seemed great, because everybody likes fun. 
Here's what we got for the main shape:

As you can see, the rawz logo has those little lines inside the letters, so the next step was to create those. We made them a bit thicker, because we just wanted to get away from the original, so it won't be like copy and we liked those thicker lines.

And with that, the typo was done. Now we had to make a cool picture out of it. A modern style seemed good. We thought of a appropriate background and ended up with this:

But for this style, we didn't like the yellow anymore, so we changed it to a bright neonish blue. Both shapes, the black and the blue, got a blue outer glow. And so we were done.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Musee d' Orsay

Another tilt-shift effect picture. This time from the Musee d' Orsay in Paris.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Well guys, I have to types of being uninspired:

  1. No ideas, no motivation (well, just don't do anything)
  2. Motivation, no ideas (crap, and now? Sitting in front of an empty file for an hour...)
I just found out, if I'm motivated, I should do something. It's amazing, how this actually works.
So I opened Illustrator and thought. I decided to make some typography. Well it started with this: 

And I liked it, so I continued with the other letters and modified them a bit. And soon it became this:

And I really liked it, so I wanted to make it good. Photoshop time. Some colorful blur should help. And it helped. Here's the final result:

You can find the picture in my gallery as well


Sunday, February 12, 2012

G'day Mate

Hello, I'm David aka 'LesPaul'.
I'm graphic desinger as well as developer working together with TOMato design. In fact I'm the third author of this (indeed awesome) blog. 
And now....enjoy...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

TOMato's Logo

This is my new logo for 2012.
It comes in red, green and blue (yes, RGB). Each color can be used for everything, there's no special meaning for the 3 colors. I just couldn't decide what to take, so I took all 3 of them.
I see it as a big improvement compared to the old one. It looked a bit like kindergarten, didn't it?

I think maybe I'll still use the tomatoes, but more frequent the typographic one.

Make sure to check my FacebookTwitter and DeviantART

Hello I´m Silvia from SilVotography. I like to share some photos of my. Have fun with it. I will try to post alot photos. :)
 I tried to take  moon pictures

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello World!

Hey Folks,
this is my first entry in my blog! 
Here is where I will post my work, work by friends and everything that inspires me. I hope you'll like it! :)