Friday, June 29, 2012

Pixelmator - Cheap Photoshop?

When I first looked at Pixelmator, I was like 'Meh, I have Photoshop.'
But I still wanted to find out, why Pixelmator became so popular, so I read a lot of reviews.
Eventually I decided to buy it, which I didn't regret.
YES, Pixelmator is a lot like Photoshop, but it isn't Photoshop. And I'm not only talking about the price here.
Pixelmator is not as professional as Photoshop and I think every picture you create with it can also be done with Photoshop and Illustrator but not vice versa.

But the fact that Pixelmator is not only for professional graphic designers gives you some features I wish Photoshop had. For example the Generator Filters: While you need a lot of steps in Photoshop and Illustrator to create parallel lines in a shape, Pixelmator has a Filter for creating those lines. All you have to do is create a layer mask.
Another good thing: Default Brushes. Both programs have them (of course), but Pixelmator has two brush sets, which really help me with vintage designs.

I've also experienced weaknesses in Pixelmator. I think photo manipulation (not just editing, really manipulating) is nearly impossible, it just misses too much tools for that. Photo editing works perfect though.

Pixelmator is the perfect tool for beginner designers, but also for professionals. It can't replace Photoshop, but I think the two make an awesome team.


It's in the  Mac App Store for 11.99€/14.99$

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